HOWARD POPECK: Some years after the demise of Subjective Audio, and I can picture the scene even now, I was driving along the M25, listening to the lunchtime news. The lead story was the arrest of a person suspected of murdering at least one little girl, possibly more. I think she was either Susan Maxwell […]
As it happened
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From our archives ….. I’m thinking here of the engineering design and execution rather than anything else. The arm that gave the most musical enjoyment was the Breuer-8 Dynamic. After that the SME IV. The Ittok with any Dynavector was magnificent. Sonically the most disappointing were the cheap and shoddy uni-pivots of the 1980s. But […]
Scott Strachan, the inventor and constructor of the Syrinx arm was a very likeable chap. His enthusiasm was infectious. His tonearms looked, frankly, terrible. Not quite as bad as the original Hadcock, but not far off. They were, until the Ittock, the only intelligent and sonically acceptable alternative to the Grace G707 arm on a […]
Howard Popeck … It’s with considerable embarrassment that I recall both my musical ignorance and my inverse snobbery about musical styles. Styles that I neither understood nor wanted to understand, for no good reason at all in the early days of Subjective Audio. I call those days my irrational time. They’ve been a recurring event […]