BILLY BRAGG: Barking’s Woody Guthrie on 30 years of songs and activism

billy bragg 2013

John Harris (The Guardian) writes .....

From agitpop to love songs, Bragg has brought his audience through life with him, creating a soundtrack to thousands of lives

Billy Bragg has a new beard, a mixture of grey and what he calls "sandy coloured: a bit grey, and a bit red". When he grew it, he says, "everyone said it suited me". It also chimes with an element of his past. "When I was forging my career as a solo artist, I dyed my hair blond, so I when I looked in the mirror in the morning, I looked like someone else. And I felt like somebody else. It didn't last, and I don't expect the beard will last forever. But again, I feel like I've passed through a change."

His new album is titled Tooth & Nail, and it has its own strapline, taken from a tweet by a fan who listened to his music while recovering from a broken relationship. She called him "The Sherpa of Heartbreak.


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