Out of my thousands of vinyl pressings the thought struck me that it might be interest, for me and perhaps for some of you to try and list my favourite 100. A big task, but not an unpleasant one. But for sanity’s sake I have to set a few limits.
- First, an era restriction. So, I am selecting from the 1960s to the 1980s; no earlier and no later.
- Next, re bands / artists; only UK and USA – for now.
- Genre. I love classical music but am utterly incompetent to write on the subject – and so I’m not going to try.
- Ranking. It’s an impossible for me to rank simply because there are just too many variables. For example, how could I rank The Who’s My Generation LP above or below the Beach Boys Pet Sounds LP – and justify the choice? Silly to even consider this let alone attempt it.
- Almost finally, I am at best only a competent LP reviewer and consequently as I compile this list I will seek reviews from others which capture the true essence of the music - in fewer and better words than I can. In each case I credit the reviewer – of course.
- Finally, I am not taking into account the quality of the LP pressing. The focus is entirely on the music. And so … off we go.
Giovanni Dadomo writes:
Buckley's most acessible and rockist album - aural eroticism from an esteemed white voice. 'Descriptive sex always appeals' quiped buckley shortly before his death'
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