RJH writes:
Paul Simon was asked why would a man who had just made love get up and wash his face? Simon replied, "Well, it's the '60s, so I can't remember."
Paul Simon had suggested he is actually singing to St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music. The song might refer to the frustration of fleeting inspiration in songwriting. Simon’s inspiration comes and goes. He’s asking St. Cecilia to come back to him and stop being so fickle, to come back to him and give him inspiration to write songs. Everything is fine when she’s with him, but when she leaves, his inspiration is gone. I found that interesting. Ingenious. Everyone thought he was singing about a girl he used to like that left him.
Great song. Lots going on the the music tracks included a pair of drumsticks dropped on the studio floor, the sound being looped in the recording.
And oh yes, Hal Blaine in drumming on the record.
Cecilia, Simon and Garfunkel-