Hmm. Even as I write this I sense a few of you out there might feel I’m pulling your leg re this. I assure you – I’m not.This first tuning tip is without doubt the most cost-effective I have ever encountered. I used a few drops (exactly as directed) of ear wax remover. I bought mine from Boots the Chemist. The cost was under £5.00 and the bottle should last for years.
In my case, it really worked. I’d noticed that after a bath or shower, I had on occasions heard a slight popping sound in my ears. A bit like trapped water. I couldn’t shift it. It was quite noticeable when I lay down with my head on a pillow. The ear wax remover entirely solved the problem and as a consequence, I had experienced and continue to experience an improvement in clarity with everyday speech and music. Very helpful in my occupation.
Candidly, the thought of visiting my local surgery for an ear syringing (the phrase really isn’t very encouraging is it?) didn’t appeal. As it turned out, my local chemist had the answer. You’ll need a partner to apply it. Believe me, it’s no joke lying on one side and applying 5 drops into the small orifice into your ear. It goes everywhere.
The liquid in my case produce a slight fizzing sensation which was in no way uncomfortable. After a few moments, the liquid and the debris start to drip out of your ear. A few Kleenex or similar are handy at this point. Don’t let this put you off though.
I’ve no idea how regularly one should use this simple procedure. I’ll probably use it only when I feel I’ve got trapped water in one or both ears.
There is no audiophile version of this fluid although no doubt after reading this post, some of the ‘cable bandits’ and the accessory makers will think about re-bottling it at monumental cost to the customer.