"It may be that the voice is the most difficult instrument to improvise with, judging by the relatively small number of improvising vocalists out there. Jazz singers who scat are common enough, but only the best are able to breathe life into a style that has become rather formulaic over the past century. Lauren Kinsella (the stress lies on the first syllable) is one singer who is boldly carving out her own path as an improvising vocalist. The London-based Irish singer is making a name for herself in improvising circles on both sides of the Irish Sea, and the release of two distinct and highly absorbing CDs in 2012, with more to come in 2013, will no doubt help to spread the name of this highly talented individual. The first of these releases, All This Talk About (WideEar Records, 2012), introduces Kinsella's arresting improvisations in a duo recording with Swiss drummer Alex Huber. Adventurous syllabic and non-syllabic utterances and a heightened rhythmic sensibility are accompanied by Kinsella's more conventional and quite beautifully sung words. Three numbers inspired by poet Ted Hughes' "Thought-Fox" form the backbone of the album—a daring collaborative effort that amply rewards those who look for a bit of edge and innovation in their music."