BEATLES: Did Paul McCartney fight John Lennon?

JAY W writes ...

Yes. Paul and John had a big fist fight during the recording of “Yellow Submarine”.

Paul was known for his habit of giving John wet willies, which John hated. One day John got fed up and threw a yellow matter custard pie at Paul, but Paul ducked and the pie hit Paul’s Old English Sheepdog Martha in the face, killing it instantly. John laughed hysterically at this and even wrote about the indecent in the song “I am the Walrus”. PAul wrote “Martha My Dear” about his sheep dog.

Paul threw a glass at John in retaliation but missed, causing John to gleefully exclaim “Paul’s broken a glass, Paul’s broken a glass”. The glass narrowly missed Yoko’s head, and she shrieked hysterically. The glass crashed into George’s guitar which then tipped over into an amp and made the feedback you hear at the beginning of “I Feel Fine”. Yoko thought the amp feedback was a kindred spirit singing about peace, so she tried to harmonize with it. This caused Linda to wrap a mic cable around Yoko’s throat in an act of pure self-defense. This caused John and Paul to get into a huge fist fight. Yoko later made an album out of the recordings of her shrieking when the glass flew by her face.

Ringo tried to break up the fist fight, and got a black eye and blisters on his fingers for his troubles. This caused him to leave the band for a few days until the others bought him a giant wreath of flowers and put them on his drum kit.

Finally, an exasperated George Martin went outside and tried to get a police officer, but all that was around was a meter maid. She came in and broke up the fight. She was later the inspiration for the song “Lovely Rita, Meter Maid”.

Hope this helps.

NORMAN T writes ...

Fight In What way?….If They Ever Did? It Had To Be Over The Fact That Up To And Through The Album “A Hard Days Night?’

It Was John Lennon That carried The Beatles to Fame.

And? If They Did Fight? Maybe It was because In The Beginning? It was John Lennon Who was Up Front On The Stage,With Paul And George Back Behind Him About 4 Feet.

It Was John Lennon Who Was Told That Their Original Title For Their Next Album, “Eight Arms To Hold You” was Not Acceptable. So John Was Told To Come Up With A New Title For The Album, And A Song To Go With This New Album. ……It Took John (All By Himself 1 Hour To Complete A New Song And Title For Their New Album.

And That Title, And New Song was “A Hard Days Night”

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