Keith Monks launches two New Record Cleaning Machines

We are told …..

Keith Monks Audio unveils the new discOvery Redux and the discOvery microLight Record Cleaning Machines. The new revised microLight is the smallest ever Keith Monks RCM and is the smallest precision record cleaning machine ever. The new microlight Redux is a modern version of the traditional ‘Keith Monks’ which is smaller, lighter, quieter and more convenient as it includes an auto stop function.

Use the system the professionals use. Keith Monks machines bring the original record cleaning technique developed with and so prized by the BBC, the US Library of Congress and the British Library National Sound Archive in a modern, easier and more affordable package. Clean fluid for each record and a single point vacuum system for maximum efficiency where contact is via a clean thread ensuring no cross contamination.

What’s important about a Keith Monks?

  • Supremely effective removal of mould release oils from the pressing stamper – often considered the single greatest benefit of record cleaning
  • Removal of dust, dirt, grime, fume residue, static – ideal for pre-owned but not necessarily pre-loved vinyl
  • Total decontamination significantly reduces record wear and protects your precious stylus
  • Unique automatic features - apply the fluid, activate the system, then go do something else - the discOvery models do the rest, and shut off when finished
  • All the benefits of newer tech, in less than half the time, for almost half the price using proven methods
  • Whisper quiet, sized and styled to fit and blend in with almost any living space, and a joy to use

Unlock the True Sound hidden in every record

  • Restore and preserve, enhance their value - for your new as well as vintage records - for life.
  • Unique Keith Monks features (all models)
  • Quiet, automatic, simple to use
  • Zero recontamination for safe, consistent results – every side gets clean fluid and clean contact
  • Original point suction vacuum system - archive standard
  • Contaminant removal, one turn at a time
  • Both sides of an LP Precision Cleaned in around 3 minutes
  • SuperSilent, super reliable Medical grade suction pump imported from Germany
  • NEW alarm/light when used fluid jar full
  • Automatic reel-out of suction nozzle buffer thread
  • Automatic shut off at end of side
  • Supplied with Keith Monks discOvery precision 12” LP wash brush and Pyr/\Mat stay-clean mat
  • Clear acrylic dust cover lid

discOveryOne Redux

  • The best of the original pro Monks and discOvery machines, brought together for the first time
  • Everything built in: hand pump applies fluid straight onto the record through the brush holder - just like on the pro Monks machines
  • New compact low profile cabinet with a premium carbon finish
  • The quietest ever discOveryOne
  • The hi-fi enthusiast’s machine - speed convenience and performance for the true vinylphile.

discOvery micrOlight

  • Super compact - the world’s smallest ever precision Record Cleaning Machine - just 16.5” (42cm) wide
  • All the key components of the Redux - restyled into a tiny, living room friendly unit to grace any home
  • On-deck brush holder for easy, effective deep cleaning
  • Apply just the right amount of fluid with the spray bottle supplied
  • Backlit opaque acrylic cabinet with insert window for art panels
  • Printing process - exclusive limited editions & one-off custom print options
  • We give you the blank canvass - you select the art to suit your mood or decor
  • No need for excuses for another audio product in the home - create your own artistic statement to delight family and friends.
  • For best deep clean, use Keith Monks discOvery Natural Precision biodegradable cleaning fluids.
  • Just a few of the beautiful art insert panels supplied with the micrOlight, or available to order online or through your local Keith Monks dealer.

Prices and availability

  • Keith Monks discOvery Redux — Retail GBP 1995, Euro 2395, US$ 2995 — Available July 2017
  • Keith Monks micrOlight — Retail GBP 1795, Eur 2095, US$ 2495 — Available July 2017


Jon and his father, Keith, both agreed on the three key issues of record cleaning: Firstly, the washed record must be left completely dry and free of all contaminants accumulated both before and during the cleaning process. And secondly, to ensure regular usage the experience must be as pleasurable - and quiet - as it is effective. Jon's new design stays faithful to these original vital concepts while adding and enhancing a few of his own. Washing the record is a simple process of applying cleaning fluid using the Keith Monks discOvery precision 12” LP wash brush. The original Keith Monks Point Suction nozzle then vacuums up all traces of fluids and contaminants - but unlike the traditional Keith Monks machines, it automatically shuts itself off at the end of the side. So, the user needs spend only a few seconds operating the machine for each record side.

The recommended Keith Monks discOvery Natural Precision cleaning fluid is always fresh and previously unused, and contact with the record during the Precision Clean vacuuming process is by a virgin piece of buffer thread that is constantly renewed. This combination promises Zero Recontamination, making the Keith Monks the only system to guarantee consistently perfect results on every record cleaned.

A critical point that many miss, is that a record cleaner must be quiet enough to enjoy the record you’ve just cleaned, while you are cleaning the next. Without this simple and obvious feature, record cleaning becomes a chore and far fewer records are cleaned.

Pre-owned records are a fabulous source of music often at very attractive prices and here a good record cleaner is ideal for restoring the best performance. Cleaning also improves the performance from new records as it removes the excessive mould release agent frequently left after manufacture.

Keith Monks. “Making records sound better since 1969.”

Tel +44 20 8642 4436

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