In honour of groundbreaking American composer Terry Riley’s 80th birthday, Nonesuch Records releases “One Earth, One People, One Love: Kronos Plays Terry Riley” - a five-disc box set of four albums of his work composed for, and performed by, his longtime friends and champions Kronos Quartet. Riley and Kronos met more than 35 years ago, and since then, the quartet has commissioned 27 works from him, more than from any other composer in the group’s history.
The “One Earth, One People, One Love” set includes three albums previously released by Nonesuch - the two-disc album Salome Dances for Peace (1989), Requiem for Adam (2001), and The Cusp of Magic (2008) - as well as a new disc called “Sunrise of the Planetary Dream Collector: Music of Terry Riley”.
“Sunrise…” includes a new recording of the title piece, which was Riley’s first for Kronos, as well as previously unreleased recordings of Lacrymosa – Remembering Kevin and One Earth, One People, One Love from Sun Rings; Cry of a Lady (originally released on A Thousand Thoughts); and G Song and Cadenza on the Night Plain (both originally released on 25 Years). “Sunrise…” is also available for individual purchase.