It’s nice to build systems and equipment with hand-wave theories of the perfect this and that but turning that hand wave into something of value is where reality sets in.

Take for example loudspeakers. I constantly get notes about why there should be no such thing as the need to voice a speaker because they should all be perfectly flat. A fine hand-wave theory that’s not technically possible.

Or, another example is a Power Plant. In theory, one could just buy an off-the-shelf double conversion UPS and power their system with that. It’s a LOT cheaper than a power plant and, in theory, it’s the same process of AC power regeneration.

But then comes the execution of that theory. An off-the-shelf UPS uses a class D amplifier at its output. It has a tiny power supply. It has a low-resolution sinewave generator. Its designers did everything they could to cut every unnecessary penny out of the design.

And, if you try it on your equipment you’ll quickly discover you would be better off without it. That straight-out-of-the-wall power is better sounding.

That same theory of power regeneration executed properly with a class AB power amplifier, low impedance output, lowest distortion sinewave, and biggest power supply possible have exactly the opposite results. It can turn your system into a miracle of sound.

The first example of execution was built with a goal of minimal performance at the lowest cost, while the latter was designed for the highest performance at whatever it takes to get there. Same theory, different execution.

Hand wave design vs. the hard work of building something of value.

Paul McGowan / PS AUDIO

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