"I'm now re-entering one of my periodic hifi obsessions. It's been a decade since I was last obsessing about black boxes, wires and associated paraphernalia. I came out of that with a modest but nice little system that put out good music (cd63KI-Nait 2-Tab 50s).
10 years, wife, kids and mortgage later, I fancy having another dabble, but will never be able to justify any serious expenditure. And by serious I meAn more than say £2-300. I've invested in a Touch, and I may augment that with a DAC, probably a Caiman or similar. I'm also going to lavish my lovely Nait 2 with the recap it deserves. That's as far as this system will go without serious upgrades.
But I fancy trying out some new boxes, not with any serious intention to improve my system, more to get a buzz out of trying things out, perhaps discovering old classics, and maybe to build a nice little second system.
Can this be done with zero - or minimal - net spend, by doing some smart trading on eBay & classifieds? Have any of you done this, and if so what were your experiences?