Ballpoint Pen Draws Electronic Circuits With Conductive Ink


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One thought on “Ballpoint Pen Draws Electronic Circuits With Conductive Ink

  1. I’m a bit bah humbug about this and other instant prototyping systems like breadboards. You can easily test a circuit out with software simulation these days which, as a bonus, gives you access to a laboratory full of virtual test gear.

    If a criticism is that simulation is a bit too perfect and doesn’t reflect real world limitations, then these instant hardware prototyping systems go the other way, with unreliable connections, high impedance grounds, excessively long wires and so on. A circuit built like this will fall apart if you breathe on it, and would almost certainly work much better on a printed circuit board or even on stripboard – which can be made to work quite well when covered with a copper tape ground plane.

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