Hi-Fi – an important part of modern history?

It is only when you look back in the post second world war days that you realise just how important that Hi-Fi is to many of us and how much of a part in modern history and our heritage it is. From the golden age of radio through the advent of the vinyl records, tapes et al it has brought hours of joy to many people. The excitement of buying a piece of new equipment for many cannot be surpassed and becomes such an addiction that has yet to be fully recognised as a condition. Not quite in the alcohol are class A drugs but addictive nevertheless.

It has been my experience in the past that it can set friends against one another, born of a bizarre form of predominantly male jelousy or cultivate friendship in total strangers with similar passions who simply want to compare their experiences etc. I have experienced both of these phenomenens myself having lost one friend to the oneupmanship disease and immersed totally in my hobby with another.

I thought i would write this post to encourage some debate and just to see if anyone has experienced such situations. I can honestly say that my H-fi addiction has always been fueled by innovation and the tweaking and getting the best from your gear element of the past time as do the majority of my friends and collegues. However, i was bemused by ......

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