Dave Grohl: ‘You don’t need a needle hanging out of your arm to be a rock star’

Originally published November 2014

Alex Patridis writes:

As the Smithsonian Institution’s undersecretary for history, art and culture points out, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington DC seldom plays host to rock music. Nor, one suspects, does it regularly get guest speakers who swear to quite the degree that the gentleman seated beside him on the stage does. There are a lot of well-worn cliches about Dave Grohl, that a few minutes in his company makes clear are well-worn only because they’re true. Every writer who meets him is apparently legally obliged to call the Foo Fighters frontman The Nicest Man in Rock, and it turns out they may well have a point: he is warm, charming, funny and abundantly, Tiggerishly enthusiastic about everything from the dancing of Future Islands frontman Samuel T Herring (“there’s something about confidence in a man like that that makes the ladies want .....

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